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Abrahams, Barnet
London; cabinet maker (fl.1904-1955)
Alden, Anne, Below the conduit, Exeter, Devon, u (1717–24). In 1717 took app. named Humphrey Wilcox who continued the business at the same address on her retirement in 1724.
Alken, Sefferin
London; carver (fl.1744–83)
Anderson, James
Scotland; cabinet maker (1912)
Anderton, Henry, Liverpool, cm and upholder (1811–19). In 1811 traded from 18 Sir Thomas Buildings and in the same year is recorded at 2 Marble St with a partner called Jamieson.
Arbuthnot, Philip
Armitage, George Faulkner
Ashlin, William, 6 Belton St, Long Acre and 68 Strand, London, carver, gilder and looking-glass maker (1789–1826). Initially trading solely from the Belton St address.
Audas & Leggott; Leggott & Co.
Paragon Street & South Street, Hull, Yorkshire; cabinet & art furniture makers (fl.1877-86)
Austin, Cornelius jnr, Cambridge, joiner (c. 1698–d. 1729).
Austin, Cornelius snr, Cambridge, joiner (c. 1660–1704). Cornelius Austin is better known for the fixed joinery work that is found in many of the Cambridge colleges such as King's Chapel, Emmanuel Chapel and the Wren Library at Trinity.
Avant, Thomas
Queen St, Dawlish, Devon; cabinet maker and upholsterer (1810–30)
Bailey, Edward
Bainbridge, Thomas, Lancaster, trade unrecorded (1808–23). Named in the Gillow records making a bookcase in 1811. [Westminster Ref. Lib., vol. 344/99, p. 1902]
Baines, Henry
Lancaster, Lancashire; joiner and cabinet maker (fl.1731–84).
Baker, William
Oxford; cabinet maker, upholsterer, appraiser, carpet warehouseman and furniture manufacturer (fl.c.1875-1910)
Baldock, Edward Holmes
Hanway St, London; furniture dealer, restorer, etc. (b. 1777–d. 1845)
Balls, John; Balls, Forman & Co.; Balls & Co.
Oxford Street, London; cabinet makers, upholsterers, upholders, appraisers & house furnishers (fl.1809-86)
Banting, France & Co; Banting, France & Banting; Banting & Son; Thomas and William Banting
Barker, Robert jnr
at ‘The Chinese Bed and Sopha’, Coney Street, Spurriergate, Yorkshire, upholsterer, appraiser and undertaker (b.c. 1734; fl. 1758–80)
Baron, William jnr, Whimple St, facing Broad St, Plymouth, Devon, cm, u, auctioneer, appraiser, undertaker, patent mangle and household furniture dealer (1822–26).
Barry, Joseph Brown; Joseph B. Barry and Son
Bartholomew, George & Co.
Finsbury, London; furniture manufacturers & upholsterers (fl.c.1850-82)
Barton, I., address unrecorded. Between 15 February and 10 March 1798 supplied a mahogany Pembroke table and four ‘Camber’ chairs, and cleaned ‘the bookcase & bureau of ink etc’, for Stourhead. [Wilts. RO, MS 383/5/1]