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Abell, William
Ackworth, William
86 High Street, Chatham, Kent; upholder and cabinet maker (fl.1802–11)
Adams, Job
London and later Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; upholder (fl. 1721-1732)
Adams, Robert & Co.
403 Oxford Street and 2 Dean Street, Soho, London; chair and sofa manufacturers, cabinet makers, upholsterers, japanners and gilders (fl. 1801–16)
Alden, Anne, Below the conduit, Exeter, Devon, u (1717–24). In 1717 took app. named Humphrey Wilcox who continued the business at the same address on her retirement in 1724.
Aldridge, Simon
Liverpool, Lancashire; upholsterer (1704–06)
Alken, Sefferin
London; carver (fl.1744–83)
Allan, William, 52 London Rd, London, cm, u and bed and mattress maker (1837–39). [D]
Anderton, Henry, Liverpool, cm and upholder (1811–19). In 1811 traded from 18 Sir Thomas Buildings and in the same year is recorded at 2 Marble St with a partner called Jamieson.
Armisted, James, Lancaster (1795–99). Named in the Gillow records in connection with a press bed. [Westminster Ref. Lib., Gillow vol. 344/97, p. 1370]
Astley, Abraham
Astley, Isaac
At the Ship and Rising Sun, London; upholsterer and appraiser (c.1753)
Auby, —, address unrecorded, carver (1795), Bought bed linen from Kennet & Kidd, cm and u, New Bond St, London, in 1795. [PRO, C114/181, journal 3, p. 340]
Audley, William jnr & John
Aycliffe (or Ayliffe), Thomas jnr
London; turner and chair maker (fl.1760–d. 1805)
Banting, France & Co; Banting, France & Banting; Banting & Son; Thomas and William Banting
Barefoote, Josiah, London, cm and u (d. 1744). Sale of stock announced in Daily Advertiser, 19 May 1744: ‘The Upholstery & Cabinet Goods of Mr Josiah Barefoote, deceas'd within Two Doors of Durham Yard in the Strand, viz.
Barington, –, address unrecorded, u (1701). Supplied to Elizabeth, 4th Duchess of Bedford, bed and window curtains, cushions, window cornices and chairs costing a total of £42. [Bedford Office, London]
Barker, John, Rowsley, Derbs., master joiner and architect (1700–02). Chatsworth accounts list payments on 30 October 1700 for ‘Making & putting up Joyner's work of compass cornish with a coronet, Two eagles etc.
Barker, Matthew, Pavement and Low Petergate, York, u, appraiser and undertaker (b.c. 1746–d. 1791). Son of Robert Barker, u of Pavement, Petergate, bapt. 20 September 1746 at Holy Trinity (Christ Church), King's Sq. Admitted freeman in 1778.
Barker, Robert snr
at the ‘Sopha Dome Beds’, Petergate, Yorkshire; upholsterer, appraiser and undertaker (b. 1707; fl. d. 1781)
Barker, William, London, u (1813). He altered and reupholstered six late 17th-century armchairs at Ham House, inscribing a new wooden member: ‘this Chair was restufft at Kingston, but covered at the Time the Bed was done.
Barnsley, Sidney Howard
London & Gloucestershire; furniture designer, furniture maker and architect (b.1865-d.1926)
Barry, William, 15 Junction Dock St, Hull, Yorks., cm, u, paper hanger and furniture broker (1831–40).
Batten, John, St Margaret's Bank, Rochester, Kent, upholder, cm, appraiser and undertaker (1792–1839).