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Alsop, H., jnr
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire; bed, bedding & mattress manufacturer (fl.1877)
Appleyard, Joseph III; Johnson & Appleyards
Appleyard, Joseph & Sons; Johnson, W.
Astley, Isaac
At the Ship and Rising Sun, London; upholsterer and appraiser (c.1753)
Belbew, R. H.
The Parade, Sherborne, Dorset; bed, mattress & bedding manufacturer (fl.1876-77)
Burr, Robert
Chatham, Kent; upholder, cabinet maker, appraiser and auctioneer (fl. 1779–1839)
Cutter, S.
19 Bold Street, Liverpool, Lancashire; bed and mattress maker, bedding manufacturer and looking glass manufacturer (fl.1877-1886)
Dalton, George
Dublin, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl. 1767-75)
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as an Upholder by Service, Easter 1767.
Dear, S.
Leicester, Leicestershire; bed, mattress & bedding manufacturer, chair & couch manufacturer (fl.1877-1886)
Edinburgh Upholstery Company
France, William jnr; William France & Company; William France & Son
France, William snr
8 Long Acre and 101 St Martin's Lane, London; cabinet maker and upholder (b.1727–d.1773)
Goodman, Richard
62 Sun Street, Bishopsgate, London; cabinet maker, upholder and appraiser (fl. 1807–22)
Guildhall Furnishing Company
Carmarthen, Wales; house furnishers (fl. 1906)
Hall, Henry
London; upholder and sworn appraiser (fl. 1746–d.1796)
Hannah, James F.; Hannah & Co.
Dorchester, Dorset; cabinet makers, bed, mattress & bedding manufacturers (fl.1876-1886)
Heals, Heal & Son
196 Tottenham Court Road, London; furniture makers, bedding manufacturers, retailers (fl. 1810-2024)
Jackson & Graham
Johnson, Isaac
Johnson, John
London; mercer (fl.1714-1715)
Kilgour & Liddell
108 Grey Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; cabinet makers, gilders, cabinet carvers, and manufacturers of beds, mattresses & bedding (fl.1876-1886)
Lawes, Kitchen and Booth; Lawes, T. and Co.; Lawes, Thomas, Randell and Co.
Lawson, George
Leaver, Gabriel
London, England then Savanah, Georgia, USA; cabinet maker and upholsterer (fl.c.1780-d.1795)
Longley, J.; Longleys
47 Lands Lane, New York Street, Leeds, Yorkshire; manufacturers of bedsteads and bedding (fl.1876-1909)