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Alderman, John; Alderman & Co.; Alderman, Johnson & Co.
Allan, Thomas, London, cm (1758). Freeman of York. May be the Thomas Allen, sedan chairmaker to the royal family, who was resident in Maddox St in the mid 1760s. [Poll bk; C. Life, 12 September 1960, p. 615]
Barber, Elias, 1 Minday's Ct, Carnaby Mkt, London, sedan chairmaker (1779). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £200 of which utensils, stock and goods accounted for £150. [GL, Sun MS vol. 277, p. 233]
Bowtcher, William, parish of Holy Trinity, Exeter, Devon, sedan chairmaker (1832). [Poll bk]
Carpenter, Thomas, Marylebone St, London, chairmaker (1734–49). Recorded commissions for Lady Monson (1734 and 1745) and the Earl of Hertford (1741) suggest that his main trade was that of sedan chair maker.
Clay, Henry; W. Clay & Sons; H. Clay
Birmingham and London; japanner and papier-mâché manufacturer (fl. 1772–d. 1812)
Farrer, Richard
York, Yorkshire; upholsterer (app. 1722–d. 1780)
Griffin, William, London, sedan, porters’ hall and invalid chair makers (1787–1825). In Coventry St, 1787–1806, but from 1791 had additional premises in Whitcomb St which soon became the centre of the business operations.
Harker, Jonathan
Kendal, Westmoreland; chair maker (fl.1825)
On 10 June 1825 Harker supplied to Rydal Hall a new sedan chair costing £26 [V&A archives].
Source: DEFM
Holmes, George & Griffin, William Morley, Whitcomb St, Leicester Fields, London, sedan chairmakers (1778–99). Recorded also at Coventry St, St James's, 1780–88, so presumably their business was at the corner of Coventry St and Whitcomb St.
Vaughan, Edward, Coventry St, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, chairmaker (1715). Took out a Hand in Hand Insurance policy with George Vaughan in November 1715 for £150 on house and workshop.
Vaughan, George, London, sedan chairmaker (1728–59). Heal records him in newspapers as Chairmaker to the Prince of Wales in Coventry St, near Haymarket, 1730–47. He was still there in 1749 when H. Purefoy visited him.
Vaughan, Holmes & Griffin, Whitcomb St, Coventry St, Leicester Fields, London, sedan chairmakers (1774–77). Recorded at no. 1 in 1775. [D] See Edward, George and Samuel Vaughan.
Vaughan, Samuel, London, sedan chairmaker to their Majesties and the Royal Family (1751–72). Recorded at Piccadilly in 1751 and at Coventry St, Piccadilly, 1763–72. [D] Submitted a bill to Lord Monson dated 26 January 1751 for a total of £63 4s 6d.
Walter, Joseph, Westgate St, Bath, Som., cm (1771–93). Advertised his stock in the Bath Journal, 2 September 1771 which included sedan chairs. Free 1778.
Williams, Richard, Cucumber Ct, Shipyard, by ‘The Ship Tavern’, Strand, London, cm and sedan chairmaker (1749). [Westminster poll bk]