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Bennington & Co., address unrecorded, lampmakers (1832). On 13 August 1832 supplied 24 ornamental double branch socket lights for lustres in Library and Drawing Room for Windsor Castle, costing £29 6s. [PRO, LC 11/77]
Bracken, —, London(?), u (1778). Immediately put in charge of the hasty refurnishing of Thorndon Hall by Lord Petre for the visit of George III in October 1778, first proposed by the King on 22 September.
Chew, William
12 Lord St, Liverpool, Lancs.; upholder and cabinet maker (b. 1784–d. 1824)
Elward, George & Marsh, William
Hancock, Shepherd & Rixon; Hancock, Rixon & Dunt; Hancock & Rixon
London; light & chandelier makers (fl.1800–77)
Mary's Abbey & Pill Lane, Dublin, Ireland; china & glass merchant (fl. 1830)
Jackson, Ann, James and Richard
Dublin, Ireland; glass manufacturers and glass grinders (fl.1759-1827)
James was the son of Thomas Jackson.
Post, Walter, 14 Clare St, Bristol, carver, gilder and manufacturer of lustres (1809–15). Declared bankrupt May 1810. Also at St James's Pl. in 1810 and Lawrence Hill, 1814–15. [D; Exeter Flying Post, 31 May 1810]
Robinson, James
Dublin, Ireland; joiner, cabinet maker and carver (fl.1761-78)
Robinson, Richard, at ‘The Flower Pot’, Beaufort St, Strand, London, looking-glass maker (1697–1711). Recorded in newspapers in 1697.