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Bealing, Richard
London; draper, upholder and Royal Upholsterer (fl. 1656-d. 1723)
Belchier, John
Chipchase, Robert & Lambert, Robert
Cox, John
London; upholsterer (1713–1749)
Cullen, James
Dishon, John Baptist, address unrecorded, gilder (1759). Gilded the state bed designed by Borra for Stowe, Bucks., now in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Port Sunlight, Liverpool.
Faudel & Phillips
London; furniture makers, upholsterers (fl.1851)
Exhibited a state bedstead with fine hangings at the Great Exhibition (illus. Meyer (2006) p. 54).
Fell, Lawrence
London; cabinet maker (fl.1766–97)
Fentham, Thomas
London; carver, gilder, glass grinder and picture frame maker (fl.1774–1825
Girard (or Le Girardy or Girardi), —, address unknown, u (c. 1784). Responsible for the painted state bed at Inveraray Castle, Strathclyde. [C. Life, 8 June 1978, p. 1622]
Hanson, William, address unrecorded, carpenter (1759). Put together the gilded State Bed designed by Borra for Stowe, Bucks., and now in the Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool. [V&A archives]
Hervé, François
Johns (or John) St, London, cabinet and chair maker (fl.1781–96)
How, Thomas
Jarman Street, corner of Duke Street, Westminster, London; upholder and upholsterer (1710–1733)
Hunt, Thomas
Dublin, Ireland; upholsterer and auctioneer (fl.1730-d.1746)
Hutt, John
London; upholder (fl.1710–d.1729)
Jackson & Graham
Oxford Street, London; cabinet makers, upholsterers, carvers and gilders (fl.1836–c.1885)
Johnstone, Jupe & Co.; Johnstone and Jeanes & Co.; Johnstone and Norman; Johnstone, Norman & Co.
Lillie, James
Norfolk; carver, carpenter and joiner (fl. 1739-60)
Mayhew, John (1736–d. 1811) and Ince, William (d. 1804)
London; cabinet makers (1758/59–1804)
Moore, James snr
Morant, George
Nash, Thomas
‘The Royal Bed’, Holborn Bridge, London; upholsterer, appraiser furniture retailer (1714–d. 1748)
Newton, James
Wardour Street, London; upholsterer, cabinet maker, decorator, appraiser, agent, undertaker (b.1760-d.1829)
Norman, Samuel
Phill, Thomas
‘The Three Golden Chairs’, Strand, London; upholder (fl. 1700–d. 1728)