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Barefoote, Josiah, London, cm and u (d. 1744). Sale of stock announced in Daily Advertiser, 19 May 1744: ‘The Upholstery & Cabinet Goods of Mr Josiah Barefoote, deceas'd within Two Doors of Durham Yard in the Strand, viz.
Barry, Joseph Brown; Joseph B. Barry and Son
Bundock, William, 53 Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, u, cm and undertaker (1807–15).
Chapman, Thomas
17 Old Bethlem (Bedlam), London; cabinet maker and bedstead maker (fl. 1748–80)
Dalton, George
Dublin, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl. 1767-75)
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as an Upholder by Service, Easter 1767.
Durham, John
London, cabinet maker and upholder (1821–35)
Eyre(s), James & Large, James, 226 Piccadilly, opposite ‘The Black Bear Inn’, London, carpet, bedding, cabinet warehouse and manufactory, undertakers (1777–99).
Gablin, Thomas, London, upholder (1710). In 1710 moved from the ‘Blackamoor's Head’ in Chandos St to the ‘Blackamoors Head’ in Bedford St, Covent Gdn.
Graham, Joseph & partners
London; cabinet maker and upholder (fl.1767–1829)
Hand, Peter
Dublin, Ireland: upholder and auctioneer (fl. 1753-65)
Recorded at Back-lane, near Nicholas Street, 1753; Phoenix Street, 1753-65.
Hutchinson, John, address unrecorded, u (1762–67).
James & Playfair, 14 New Bond St, London, trunk and plate case makers (1797–1817). Claimed to be suppliers to ‘Their Majesties, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York’, and were successors to ‘Mr. Broomfield’.
Mayhew, John (1736–d. 1811) and Ince, William (d. 1804)
London; cabinet makers (1758/59–1804)
Moss, Jacob
Dublin, Ireland; cabinet maker and upholder (fl.1778-1783)
Recorded at 22 Grafton Street, 1778-83.
Reed, Paul
Dublin, Ireland; joiner and cabinet maker (fl. 1771-75)
Recorded at the sign of the Sun in Bride’s Alley, 1771-5.
Reid, John, William, George, Ann(e) & James, 53 Goodge St, London, cm (1781–1856). John Reid first paid rates on 53 Goodge St in 1781, and died in February 1803. From 1813– 23 George Reid is named as the occupier; and in 1824, Anne Reid.
Richey, George
Trimnell, Charles, Bath, Som., upholder, auctioneer and appraiser (1784–85). Trading in partnership with Thomas Trimnell at Westgate St in 1784 and alone there in 1805.
Wilson, Walter
Lancaster, Lancs. and Strand, London; cabinet maker and upholsterer (fl.1752-97).