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Arbuthnot, Philip
Atkinson, Thomas
Baines, Henry
Lancaster, Lancashire; joiner and cabinet maker (fl.1731–84).
Barker, Robert snr
at the ‘Sopha Dome Beds’, Petergate, Yorkshire; upholsterer, appraiser and undertaker (b. 1707; fl. d. 1781)
Barnard, Bradley
107 St Paul’s Road, Highbury, & Islington, London; upholsterers, wholesale cabinet makers, invalid & baby’s furniture manufacturers (fl.1871-86)
Bayfield, John Joachim, address unrecorded, cm (?), (1721). Name and date ‘Aug. 1721’ pencilled on carcase of early 18th-century walnut folding-top card table, private English coll.
Belcher & Gray
London; cabinet maker and upholsterer (fl. 1769–81)
Addresses given at Brownlow Street, Holborn, 1769–83, and Poultney Street, Golden Square, 1783–84.
Bell, Elizabeth
‘The White Swan’, against the South Gate, St Paul's Churchyard, London, cabinet maker (1740–c.1758).
Bellison, —, Newark area, Notts., cm (1774). The Newark Town Hall account books of 1774 record a commission ‘to make 4 mahogany card tables at 30/– a piece according to pattern produced’.
Belshaw, Edmund jnr, Liverpool, cm (1802–05). Admitted freeman on 8 July 1802. Took app. in 1802 named Samuel Sharrat, who petitioned freedom in 1818.
Benjamin, Peter & Daphne
London Road, Tonbridge, Kent; Tunbridge ware maker, restorer (fl. c. 1970-2009)
Bill, Hubert & Co.
London; bamboo furniture manufacturer (fl.c.1869-1905)
Boon, John, 9 Duke St, Liverpool, with shop at 1 Waterloo Pl., Church St, cm and u (1827). Declared bankrupt, Liverpool Mercury, 25 May 1827.
Bright, Jerome Denny; J. D. Bright & Co.
Saxmundham, Suffolk; cabinet maker, watch and clock maker (b.1793-d.1871)
Brodie, Francis
Lawnmarket and Cowgate, Edinburgh, Scotland; cabinet maker, wright, and glass grinder (b.1708-d.1782)
Brough, John snr.
Brown, John Cossons, Market Pl., Blandford, Dorset, cm, u and designer (1836–40). Took app. named Cornelius Weaver Doe in 1836 for five years at a charge of £95 including food and lodging.
Burcham, Peter
Norwich, Norfolk and London; carver, cabinet and chair maker, undertaker and appraiser (fl.1742-63)
Caddick, Edward
Dublin, Ireland; joiner and cabinet maker (fl.1753-55)
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as a Joiner by Grace Especial, Easter 1753. Recorded in Cornmarket 1753; St Audeon's Arch 1755.
Cauty, William
London; cabinet maker and upholsterer (fl. 1748–80)
Established initially at the sign of ‘The Chair & Curtains’ at the west end of Somerset House, Strand.
Chebsey, John
Coakley, James
4 Main Street, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.c.1858-1905)
Cobb, John
Connery, Patrick
Limerick, Ireland; cabinet maker and upholder (fl.1768-88)
Cooke, John
Chester, Cheshire; cabinet maker (fl. 1765–89)
Free 18 February 1765 after serving as an apprentice to the cabinet maker, Philip Prestbury of Chester.