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Betjemann, G. & Sons; George Betjemann Ltd
London; dressing, writing case and fancy furniture makers (fl.1810-c.1910)
Clark, Thomas
Exeter Change, Strand, London; portable furniture maker and saddler (fl. c.1770-1825)
Elvey, Elizabeth
9 New Bond Street, London; pocket book, dressing case and desk maker to the Royal Family, the King of Prussia and his Serene Highness the hereditary Prince of Orange (fl. 1806–24)
Figorski, John
Sheffield, Yorkshire; dressing case and cabinet case manufacturer (fl.1885)
Halstaff & Hannaford
228 Regent Street, London; desk & dressing case makers (fl.1825-84)
Harvey's Royal Bazaar
19 Princes Street, Edinburgh, Scotland; toyman and retailer (fl. c. 1800-1824)
Hicks, James
26 Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, London; cabinet maker (fl.1809–37)
Jacob, Isaac & Co.
London; cabinet maker, looking glass & picture frame maker, maker of work boxes, tea caddies & dressing cases (fl.1871-86)
Newton, James
Wardour Street, London; upholsterer, cabinet maker, decorator, appraiser, agent, undertaker (b.1760-d.1829)
Smith, E. P.
11 Wells Street, Grays Inn Road, London; dressing case manufacturer (fl.1883)
Smith, Isaac George
Turrill, John
Regent Street, London; dressing and writing case maker (fl. 1826-1940)
Turrill set up in business in 1826 at 352 Oxford Street as a stationer. By 1832 he was trading additionally at 246 Regent Street.
White, Gwen Miss
London; decorator of furniture etc. (1912-1916)
White’s work was exhibited at the Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, London in 1912 and 1916.
Winter, Benjamin, 143 Long Acre, London; cabinet maker, joiner, upholsterer and undertaker (1799)