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Bealing, Richard
London; draper, upholder and Royal Upholsterer (fl. 1656-d. 1723)
Burton, Samuel snr
London; upholsterer, cabinet maker, auctioneer and undertaker (fl. 1765–d. 1801)
Clarkson, William
‘The King's Head’, corner of Old Bedlam, Moorfields, London, upholder, appraiser, cabinet maker and undertaker (fl. c. 1760)
Crow, Augustin, Bartholomew Close, near Smithfield, London, u (d. by 1689). Successor to Alderman William Crow. Augustin Crow was already dead by April 1689 when his stock was disposed of.
Fall, Jonathan
Cheapside, London; upholder (fl.1763–1792)
Fradin, Abraham, Haymarket, London, u and cm (1744). Auction announced in Daily Advertiser, 22 October 1744 of the ‘Household Furniture, Stock in Trade and Lease of the late Dwelling-House of Mr. Abraham Fradin, Cabinet-maker, next Door to Mr.
Guidot, Anthony
London; upholder (fl. 1708–27)
Heasman, Henry snr. and jnr.
London; freemen upholders (fl.1687–1750)
Howard, John
at ‘The Talbot’, Long Lane, near West Smithfield, London; upholder, appraiser and dealer in tapestries and Oriental carpets (fl. 1710–d.1742)
Hulbeart, Thomas, at ‘The Ship & Anchor’, over against Gun Yard, Houndsditch, London, u and cm (1689–90).
Hunt, Thomas
Dublin, Ireland; upholsterer and auctioneer (fl.1730-d.1746)
Iliffe, John
London and Kettering, Northamptonshire; upholder (fl. 1753–1794)
Jones, Sandys, Pall Mall, London, upholder (1706–63). Son of William Jones of Cricklade, Wilts., Gent. App. to Christopher Broughton, 3 July 1706, and free of the Upholders’ Co. by servitude, 14 November 1722.
King, Thomas
Long Acre, London; cabinet maker and gilder (fl. 1742)
Moor(e), Richard
London; cabinet maker (1716–20)
Morris, John, at ‘The Lion & Crown’, Fleet Ditch, London, u (1717–18). Provided the Duke of Montrose's Bond St House with ‘4 Mounted beds: 1 green mohair lined with Green Satin. 1 light green complet lined with a striped Satin.
Munns, Richard
Paudevin, John, Pall Mall, London, upholder (1677–88). Upholder to Charles II and James II. Of French extraction and his surname is variously spelt Bodovine, Potvin, Popevine, Podvine, Potevine, Poictevine and Vaudvine by English clerks and officials.
Perry, Alexander, Great White House, King St, Bloomsbury, London, cm (1733). In March 1733 his stock in trade was offered for sale.
Reynoldson, George
York; upholsterer and cabinet maker (fl. 1695–d.1764)
Rubery, A.
Great Eastern Street, London; upholsterer (fl.1892)
Russell, William
Address unrecorded; cabinet and chair maker (fl.1728–1729)
Heal records a notice of sale of stock in newspapers of 1728.
Tesdale, Benjamin & Co., London. In 1709 supplied the Duke of Montrose with a mohair bed, chairs, stools and curtains, at a total cost of £40 16s. Mohair was provided by John Prudom & Co. [Scottish RO, GD 220/6/1122/3]
Whistler, Gabriel
Dublin, Ireland; upholder (fl.1760-1805)
Son of Gabriel Whistler.