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Adams, George
London; upholder, cabinet maker, auctioneer and undertaker (fl.1777–1828)
Adams, George snr, cm (d. 1773). Small inlaid mahogany cabinet of c. 1750 by this maker belongs to University College, Oxford (on loan to the Museum of the History of Science).
Adams, William
8 Cumberland St., Goodge St., London; chair maker, cabinet maker and upholder (fl.1809-39)
Adamson, Benjamin
Kippax, Yorkshire then Alexandria, Virginia and Cincinnati, Ohio, USA; joiner, cabinet maker and timber merchant (fl. 1802-1811)
Adamson, Robert
Fenchurch Street, London; cabinet maker, joiner and mahogany turner (fl. 1751–66)
Addison, John
London; globe maker (fl.1829-1847)
Adye, Thomas,
London; carver and sculptor (fl.1730–53)
Alderman, John; Alderman & Co.; Alderman, Johnson & Co.
Aldersey, Thomas
London; glass grinder, cabinet maker and upholder (fl.
Alison (Alieson, Allison), Colin
Alken, Sefferin
London; carver (fl.1744–83)
Allam, A.
Address not stated; cabinet maker (1890)
Allan, James
Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland then Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA; cabinet maker (fl.1740-1799)
Allin, William
Newark, Nottinghamshire; cabinet maker (fl. 1770–1788)
Insured with the Sun Fire Office in 1776 for a total of £1,000 of which £400 was for utensils and stock.
Amistead, -
Lancaster, Lancs.; cabinet maker (fl.1796)
Anderson, David
Glasgow & Edinburgh, Scotland & Ireland; cabinet maker, piano case maker (fl. 1910-29)
Anderton, Henry, Liverpool, cm and upholder (1811–19). In 1811 traded from 18 Sir Thomas Buildings and in the same year is recorded at 2 Marble St with a partner called Jamieson.
Anning, John, Broad St, Lyme Regis, Dorset, cm and u (1829–40). Married a Miss Reader of Lyme in December 1829. Inscription recorded on drawer of mahogany bow-front toilet mirror: ‘Mr. John Anning Cabinet maker Lyme 1833 Dorset’.
Anson, G., Broadmead, Bristol, carver and gilder (before 1798). Ceased business in June 1798 when his stock and tools were sold by auction.
Appleyard, George
Armitage, George Faulkner
Armitrage, —, address unrecorded. Named in the Holkham Hall accounts, 1739, in connection with the supply of a dressing table ‘for my Lord’ at £2 12s 6d, and a mahogany ‘voider & pail’. [V & A archives]
Arno, Elste & Co.
Address not stated; fancy furniture manufacturers (fl.1886)
Arrowsmith, Stephen
London; turner and cabinet maker (fl.c.1730–58)
Astle, Thomas jnr, Eastgate St, Chester, cm (1782–93).