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Farnborough Hill; carpenter (fl.1822)
Anderton, Henry, Liverpool, cm and upholder (1811–19). In 1811 traded from 18 Sir Thomas Buildings and in the same year is recorded at 2 Marble St with a partner called Jamieson.
Anderton, William, Liverpool, u and cm (b. 1750–d. 1812). Trading on his own account as early as 1777, in which year he was declared bankrupt. Had recommenced business by 1781 when he was trading from 17 Dale St.
Beaumont, —, Baldwins Gdns, Gray's Inn Lane, London, cm (1789). James Pingay, carpenter, took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1789 on a brick house in Baldwins Gdns in the occupation of Beaumont for £200, and on timber workshop behind, £50.
Belshaw, Edmund jnr, Liverpool, cm (1802–05). Admitted freeman on 8 July 1802. Took app. in 1802 named Samuel Sharrat, who petitioned freedom in 1818.
Bennett, John
Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, Wales; cabinet maker (fl. 1837)
Bettridge, Josh., ‘Worcester Wharf, top of Severn St, Birmingham, English and Foreign Timber Merchant, Mahogany and Rose Wood Veneers, Wood Turner, Carver Bedstead Pillar Manufacturer’ (1838).
Bianco, D. & Sons
Fitzroy Works, North Crescent, Chenies Street, Tottenham Court Road, London; furniture manufacturers (fl.1880-1980)
Bisbrown(e), Cuthbert, Liverpool, cm and builder (1762–77). Trading at Paradise St in 1766, with wareroom at Temple St, and timber yard at Park Lane, Tythe Barn St. Took app. named Nernon in 1762.
Bois, Lazere Des, ‘The Clock Case, Northside of Farmers Buildings’, High St, St Giles-in-the-Fields, London, cm (1730).
Bower (or Borver), Joseph, London, cm, upholder and broker (1778–96). Trading at 12 Old Round Ct, Strand, 1778–93, with timber workshop adjoining in Vine St, Covent Gdn in 1792; and 64 Gt Queen St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, by 1796.
Bream, Samuel
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk; cabinet and chair maker (fl. 1774–1807)
Addresses given at the ‘Tea-Chest’, Charlotte Street in 1776; Blind Middle Street, 1779–80; and near the New Hall on the Quay, 1780–87.
Bromwich, Henry, Gt Russell St, Bloomsbury, London, frame maker (1779). Took out a Sun Insurance policy in 1779 for £600, £120 accounting for timber workshop, utensils, stock and goods. [GL, Sun MS vol. 274, p. 213]
Bryde, Thomas, Liverpool, cm and timber dealer (1805–16). Trading at 8 Whitechapel in 1805; 11 White St with timberyard in Cornwallis St, 1810–14; and as a timber dealer at 11 St James St in 1816. [D]
Butler, Thomas
London; cabinet maker and upholder (fl.1787–1814)
Chapple, Charles, Exeter, Devon, cm (1819–24). At St Thomas in 1819 when the death of his wife was recorded. By 1822 at North St and in the following year at 26 Holloway St.
Chew, William
12 Lord St, Liverpool, Lancs.; upholder and cabinet maker (b. 1784–d. 1824)
Chippendale, Thomas jnr
St. Martin's Lane, London; cabinet maker (b.1749-d.1823)
Cleator, George, Liverpool, cm (1767–82). At 7 Atherton St, 1767–81 according to directory entries but in 1782, the year of his retirement, he was in Lord St.
Cole(s), James, Wendover, Bucks., chairmaker (1823–30). Trading at Aylesbury St, also as a timber dealer, in 1830. [D]
Comings, Matthew, Dorchester, Dorset, joiner and cm (1732). On 9 December 1732 insured his dwelling house, outhouse, shop, workshop, ‘timber house’ and cellar with his household goods and stock therein for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 37, ref. 59502]
Connor, Anne
Cork, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.1770-74)
Widow of Michael Connor (d.1770).
Recorded at North Gate, 1770-4.
Cooke, John
Chester, Cheshire; cabinet maker (fl. 1765–89)
Free 18 February 1765 after serving as an apprentice to the cabinet maker, Philip Prestbury of Chester.
Copeland, Robert, Liverpool, cm (1766–d. 1796). Initially traded from an address in High St but by 1772 had moved to 36 Lord St. The number in Lord St from 1781 was 32.
Counzes, Vidall, 6 New Lisle St, London, carver and gilder (1809). On 7 February 1809 took out insurance cover of £700 which included £200 for stock and utensils and £100 for timber in a workshop. [GL, Sun MS vol. 448, ref. 828310]