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Wisdom, John (1791-1795)

Wisdom, John

Dublin, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.1791-95)

Recorded at 21 Jervis Street, 1792-5. John Wisdom supplied furniture to Newbridge House, Co. Dublin. Thomas Cobbe’s accounts, Newbridge House, Dublin, record: 1791 ‘June 18 J: Wisdom for covering Chairs wt. hair sattin in the Library [Newbridge] £3 8s 3d’. Another account, dated 20 August 1790, was for ‘A table of satinwood from J. Wisdom £5.13. 9.’. This has been identified with a half-round pier table still in the house (illus. Glin & Peill (2007), fig. 228).

Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), pp. 167 & 291.