Winstanley, William snr (1789)
Winstanley, William snr, 34 Lord St, Liverpool, chimney piece and looking-glass maker (1789). In April 1789 advertised for six or eight journeymen joiners ‘for the Chimney piece business’. Only two months later on 22 June however he indicated that he was disposing of his stock as he had entered a partnership in London. He offered ‘a large assortment of Chimney Pieces of the newest taste, several thousand feet of Moulding; a large assortment of Looking Glasses, in burnished gold frames & Mahogany; Girandoles etc.’. He indicated however that he would continue to trade in Dutch and French glass as a wholesaler and also sell composition ornaments. [Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 16 April 1789, 22 June 1789]