Willis, John (1797-1840)
Willis, John, Bristol, cm, u and undertaker (1797–1840). App. to James Hingston 1797 and free 11 December 1804. By 1806 he was in partnership with a person named Sangar at 31 Broadmead. The firm of Willis & Sangar is last recorded in directories in 1812 and in the following year John Willis was trading on his own behalf from the same address. The reason for this change was no doubt associated with the bankruptcy of John Willis in 1812. He remained at 31 Broadmead until 1820 but from 1821–31 his address was under the Bank and from 1832–40 it was St Augustine's Back. A breakfront bookcase is known with the trade label of John Willis. [D; app. reg. freemen rolls; Exeter Flying Post, 31 December 1812]