Whitby, John (1660-1667)
Whitby, John
London; joiner and chair maker (fl. 1660–67)
Although described as a joiner he appears to have specialised in chair making and was a frequent supplier to the Royal family in the early years of Charles II's reign.
The Royal accounts for the year 1660– 61 include items for ‘18 French Chair frames’ for which £7 16s was charged, a ‘large french bed stead’ which cost £2 10s and a number of other chairs, ‘back chairs’ and a foot stool.
Most items were for Windsor though a ‘French chair frame for grene damask’ was for Hampton Court. Other furniture of a like nature was supplied to Whitehall, the House of Commons, Camden House and the Royal yachts.
A ‘Chair of state with 2 formes, 2 chairs & six folding stools’ were specified as for ‘our dearest consort the Queen’ [Connoisseur, January 1934, pp. 19–20; Country Life, 5 April 1962, p. 790; 9 June 1977, p. 1620; TNA, LC5/39, 40].
Source: DEFM