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Wheeler, Thomas and Philip (1850-1914)

Wheeler, Thomas and Philip

Narberth, Pembrokshire, Wales; carpenter, joiner and cabinet maker (fl.1850-1914)

An oak clothes press inscribed ‘T Wheeler & Son 1884’ is illustrated in Bebb (2007), fig. 1194. Thomas Wheeler was the son of Daniel Wheeler, a farmer and carpenter. Thomas was recorded in Hunt’s Directory of 1850 as a carpenter and joiner in High Street, Narberth. In Worrall’s Directory of 1875 he was listed as a cabinet maker and upholsterer. By 1884 he had been joined by his son Philip and in 1899 Philip alone was listed in Kelly’s Directory. Philip married the daughter of a local farmer/innkeeper and the family lived above the business premises in High Street (illus. Bebb, (2007), fig. 1257). There was a yard and workshop at the back. The business concentrated on a local market, making traditional dressers, cupboards &c., but also supplied more fashionable bedroom and parlour suites &c (illus. Bebb, (2007), fig. 1258). In the 1890s Wheeler (whether Thomas or Philip is unclear) supplied a set of 12 labelled chairs to the refurnished Salem chapel in Maesteg in the 1890s. Another set of chairs bearing Thomas’s label is known, originally supplied for a house near Narberth. A glazed cupboard inscribed ‘Nov. 22nd 1906 from P Wheeler Narbeth ‘is illustrated in Bebb (2007), fig. 1173 and an elbow chair with Philip Wheeler’s stencil is illustrated in fig. 1286.

Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, pp. 285, 321-3, 340.