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Underwood, Nicholas (1752)

Underwood, Nicholas

Dublin and Sligo, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.1752)

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal, 8-12 September 1752: ‘This is to acquaint the public that Nicholas Underwood, Cabinet-maker from Dublin has now set up in Sligo where he has imported a considerable stock of mahogany, walnut and oak and that he has employed as good hands as in this kingdom, who make cabinate work viz desks, chairs, cabinets, bureaus, tallboys, knobbies, tables, card tables, backgammon tables, all sorts of cheese stands, salvers, coopers cisterns, dumb waiters, buckets, tea chests, chamber work of the newest and best fashions, as convenient in their several kinds and as well furnished as may be found in London or Dublin, which he will sell at Dublin prices, therefore hopes that gentlemen of the country will encounter him as they may be so conveniently supplied’.

Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 290.