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Trested, Thomas (1725–29)

Trested (Trusted or Trusthead), Thomas

Bury St Edmunds Suffolk & Norwich, Norfolk; cane chair maker (fl. 1725–29)

Took out Sun Insurance policies on 5 July 1725 for £300 on four tenements in St Botolph's parish, Colchester; on 3 December 1725 for £300 on a house in St Marie's parish, Bury, exclusive of outhouses formerly called ‘The Old Swan’; and on 15 August 1729 for £200. [GL, Sun MS vol. 20, ref. 36241; vol. 21, ref. 37503; vol. 28]. The Norfolk Gazette, 27 January 1728, ‘This is to give Notice to all Gentlemen, Ladies, and others, that Thomas Trested from London maketh all Sorts of Cane Chairs, Cover'd Chairs, and Easie Chairs, Pincushion Bottom Chairs, and fine Rush-Bottom'd Chairs, Seats and Squabbs, Round Stools and Square Stools, at a more Reasonable Rate than in London: He also mends all Sorts of Cane Chairs very Reasonably. My Shop is at the Sign of the White-Hart by St. Peter's Steeple End in Norwich, near the Market-place.’ He is also listed at The Old Swan, St Marie’s, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.

Sources: DEFM; Stabler, ‘Dictionary of Norfolk Furniture Makers 1700-1840’, Regional Furniture (2006).

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.