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Teale, Josiah (John) (1791-1830)

Teale, Josiah (John)

Leeds, Yorkshire cabinet manufacturer and upholsterer (1791–1830)

Teale signed the Leeds Cabinet and Chair Makers’ Book of Prices, 1791, as a journeyman cabinet maker.


Advertisement in Leeds Intelligencer, 9 December 1811, that he had recently made alterations to his premises in order to keep ‘an extensive assortment of all kinds of Cabinet Goods … Ladies’ work-boxes etc.’

trade card

Teale's trade label at 34 Lowerhead Row, Leeds, c. 1816-17. Published in Country Life, March 9 1972

Trading as Jos. Teale & Son (1816– 30); at 30 Lowerhead Row (1816–17); at no. 16 (1826–30). Teal & Sons, Leeds, subscribed to Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803.

Josiah Teale was referred to in Industries of Yorkshire, Historical Publishing Co., 1888, as founder of the firm.

Source: DEFM

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.