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Teague, John (1760s–89)

Teague, John

Truro & Falmouth, Cornwall; cabinet maker (fl.1760s–89)

Several children of John and Mary Teague were bapt. at St Mary's, Truro, in the 1760s and 1770s. Square chest of drawers with brushing slide, is signed ‘John Teague, Truro, August 1770’. ‘John Teague, of the parish of St Clements, Cornwall, Cabinet-Maker’ made his will on 20 June 1789. Possibly the J. Teague of Falmouth who inscribed a chest of drawers, made 1779, illus. Regional Furniture (1993) p. 4.

Sources: DEFM; Jones, ‘An Anthology of Regional Furniture with Makers’ Identification’, Regional Furniture (1993).

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.