Taylor, Robert jnr (1814-37)
Taylor, Robert jnr, Exeter, Devon, cm and u, undertaker and auctioneer (1814–37). Addresses given at St Sidwell's, 1814– 17; 16 St Sidwell's, at the corner of Castle St, 1821–26; 254 High St, 1822–37; and 253 Fore St, 1823–30. R. Taylor jnr, cm, listed in election squibs, 1816. His son, Charles William, was bapt. at St Sidwell's on 29 November 1814, and son Robert on 10 November 1817. Announced in Exeter Flying Post, 4 October 1821, that the partnership with his father was dissolved, and he was taking over the business. Advertised stock of well-manufactured goods of the best quality, and well-seasoned mahogany. Robert Taylor jnr's election as one of the ‘Forty Guardians of the Poor for the North-Ward of this City’ reported in Exeter Flying Post, 14 June 1821. Acted as agent in sale of furniture of Mrs Cooke, advertising in the same paper on 17 June 1824. Announced on 30 March 1826 that ‘he is about to DISPOSE of the whole of his Extensive STOCK of FLOOR and STAIR CARPETS; consisting of above TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED YARDS of BRUSSELS, superfine KIDDERMINSTER, and VENETIANS, and a large Assortment of HEARTH RUGS … Also a Large quantity of FLOOR CLOTHS and LONDON PAPER HANGINGS and BORDERS, on the same Low Terms … N.B. the UPHOLSTERY, CABINET and CHAIR BUSINESS, carried on as usual, of the best Materials and Workmanship.’ Announced sale of the whole of his stock, and his premises to let on 26 May 1836. Stock consisted of ‘CABINET and UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE’, floor coverings, glasses and paper hangings, mahogany and rosewoood timber. Still listed in directories, 1837. [D; PR (bapt.)]