Sullivan, James (1786-1816)
Sullivan, James
Dublin, Ireland; upholder, cabinet maker and auctioneer (fl.1786-1816)
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as an Upholder by Grace Especial, Christmas 1786. He was elected Warden of the Sadlers’ Guild from 1789 to 1790 and Master from 1797 to 1798.
Recorded in Draper's Court, Nicholas Street, 1777-83; 49 Capel Street, 1785-1816.
‘Marriage: Mr. James Sullivan, Upholder to Miss Fisher’ [Hibernian Journal, 14-16 September 1772].
Thomas Cobbe's accounts, Newbridge House, Co. Dublin record: 1783 ‘April 3 Mr Sullivan Upholder £33’; 1783 'Dec 24 Sullivan, the upholsterers in full as pr rect. in book £2 11s. 6d’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 278.