Stuart, Henry (1771)
Stuart, Henry, London, cm, u etc. (1771). In February to May 1771 undertook a substantial commission for Sir Gilbert Heathcote. Some of this work was for his house at North End, Fulham and included dying bed and window curtains, supplying cushions for ‘bamboo elbow chairs’ and a mahogany card table ‘with Marlborough legs’. New bed cornices were produced and a man despatched to Grosvenor Sq. to pack up six Bamboo chairs there. Other work involved hanging a room ‘with India Taffity Paper, cutting out Flowers &c and making out and filling up the Pattern’ which took two men eight days to complete. Wilton carpets were supplied for Normanton Park. The total cost of the commission came to £155 11s 10¼d. The account was settled on 8 February 1772 but Stuart had recently died and the receipt was given by Samuel Severn on the behalf of ‘Mrs Bridget Catherine Stuart administratrix’. Stuart had been in partnership with Samuel Severn from 1769 and the partnership may still have been active at the time of this commission but the account is in Stuart's name only and the payment appears to have been accepted in the name of his wife which may equally suggest that the partnership was terminated by c. 1770. [Lincoln RO, ANC8/12, 2 ANC 12/D/28–29] See Samuel Severn.