Stephens, George (1743)
Stephens, George, Brooke House, Brooke St, Holborn, London, cm (d. by 1743). Dead by April 1743 when his stock was sold by auction. This consisted of ‘large grand Mahogany Bookcases, Buroes, Desks, and Desks and Bookcases; Mahogany and Walnut-Tree Chests of Drawers, fine large Italian stain'd Marble Slabs on rich Frames, Corner Cubboards, Dressing, Dining and Card Tables…’. In July 1742 a payment of £2 16s was made to a ‘Mrs Stevens’ cm from the estate of the late Duke of Ancaster. It is possible that either George Stephens was dead by this date or that she was receiving the payment on the behalf of her husband. No evidence of a Mrs Stevens trading on her own behalf at this period can be found. [Daily Advertiser, 28 April 1743; Lincoln RO, 5 ANC 8/2/5]