Starkie, Arrowsmith (1766-1779)
Starkie, Arrowsmith
Chapel Street, Liverpool, Lancashire & Oxford Street, London; cabinet and chair maker (fl.1766–79)
Starkie was free of Liverpool on 2 October 1766, however, in March of that year he had already established his business in Chapel Street. He claimed to have been ‘lately…employed in that Trade with some of the Capital Masters in London’ [Freeman register; Williamson's Liverpool Advertiser, 14 March 1766].
He was recorded in the Gillow’s Lancaster Petty Ledgers (1773-74) when in May 1774 he withdrew £11 17s 10d in his account. In 1774 he made a chair with 'circular joints in top rail’.
In 1779 Robert and Richard Gillow of London paid £5 1s for enrolling ‘Arrowsmith’s indentures’.
Probably the same Arrowsmith Starkie as the cabinet maker of Liverpool.
Sources: DEFM; Stuart, Gillows of Lancaster and London (2008), II, p. 284.