Squire, William (1730-1750)
Squire, William
London; cabinet maker and upholsterer (fl. c. 1730-1750)
Two different trade cards of this maker are known. One lists an address at ‘The Three Tents and Lamb’ within Bishopsgate, near Cornhill:
The trade card of William Squire At the three Tents and Lamb within Bishops-gate, near Cornhill, LONDON. Makes & Sells all sorts of Upholstery & Cabinet goods as Standing Beds, Feather Beds, Genoa Damask, Silk Worsted, Fine Stuff Do., Harrateens, Cheneys, Linseys, fine Holland & Calico Quilts with Variety of fine Linnens & Chints Patterns, Fine Turkey, Persian & Segadio Carpets with French and English Do. Fine Flanders and English Ticken Swan Goose & other Feathers with Pillows Dimothy & Cheques for Cases, Blankets, Rugs, Coverleds & all sorts of Silk and Worsted Lace. Paper Hangings for Rooms with Cabinets, Buroes, Looking Glasses & all Sorts of Goods in the Cabinet Way’. Goods Apprais'd & Funerals compleatly furnished, c. 1730 [Banks,28.137]. © The Trustees of the British Museum
The second trade card indicates that Squire had moved to Poultry:
The trade card of William Squire At the Three Tents and Lamb in Poultry London; Sells great Variety of paper Hangings of his own Manufacture at the most Reasonable Rates. By Wholesale & Retale. Also All Sorts of Upholstery & Cabinet Goods With Turkey, Wilton & Kiddermister carpets. Goods Apprais'd and Funerals Furnish'd, c. 1740 [D,2.3240]. © The Trustees of the British Museum
Source: DEFM