Speare, James (1775-1808)
Speare, James
London; carver and cabinet maker (fl.1775-1808)
In partnership with a fellow carver, George Mackery, at 6 Princes Street, Drury Lane, when they purchased a Sun Insurance policy in 1775 for £300, £120 accounting for utensils, stock and goods [London Metropolitan Archive (LMA), Sun MS vol. 236, p. 233]. Also at John Street, Golden Square, where he took insurance cover for £250 but with no trade stock or tools included [London Metropolitan Archive (LMA), Sun MS vol. 236, refs 349458, 349460].
Probably the same James Speare, recorded as a cabinet maker of 22 St Ann's Court, Soho, 1786–1808. In 1786 he subscribed to George Richardson's Treatise on the Five Orders of Architecture and was listed in Westminster Poll Book, 1808.
Source: DEFM