Smith, William (1784-1819)
Smith, William
Liverpool, Lancashire; cabinet maker (1784–d.1819)
Apprenticed to John Darbyshire and free 2 April 1784.
At Vernon Street (1787); 33 Dale Street and Vernon Street (1790); 34 Dale Street (1796 and 1803); no. 30 (1800 and 1807–10); no. 33 (1805); no. 28 (1804); and no. 37 (1811). The repeated change of number in Dale Street was probably due to Post Office re-numbering.
Smith bound as apprentices Hugh Cannell (1791–1802); John Smith (1793–1802); Edward Slater (1810–18); and Thomas Smith (1817–27) [Freemen's committee books and register].
Source: DEFM