Smith, Roger (1757-1800)
Smith, Roger
Dublin, Ireland; upholder, auctioneer and timber merchant (fl. 1757-1800)
Made Freeman of the City of Dublin as an Upholsterer by Service, Michaelmas 1758.
Recorded at Golden Lane, 1757; ‘at the sign of the Eagle and Easy Chair in Castle Street, near Fishamble Street, 1757’; ‘corner of King Street near the Green’, 1759-75; 1 Stephen Green, 1775-8; 47 South King Street, 1779-1800.
Smith had a number of apprentices including David Mourlong, upholder (1776) and Andrew Christopher, upholder (1788).
Smith was elected Warden of the Upholders’ Guild from 1772 to 1773 and Master from 1776 to 1777. In 1781, 1784, 1789 and 1796 he was elected onto the Dublin Common Council for the Upholders’ Guild.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 277.