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Smith, Mary (1774-90)

Smith, Mary, 282 Holborn, corner of Gt Turnstile, London, u (1774–90). Her trade bill of 1774 refers to the business as a ‘Carpet, Bedding, and Upholstery Warehouse’ but her billhead used in 1790 states ‘Wholesale & Retail Carpet, Cabinet & Upholstery Manufactory’. The 1774 trade bill indicates the stock to be ‘SEVERAL Bales of Summer made BLANKETS, very white and Thick — CARPETS of entire new Patterns, of the Turkey, Persia, Wilton, Kidderminster, and Scotch Manufactures, of almost evry size — Rooms covered all over in the compleatest Manner — FEATHER BEDS well seasoned and fit for immediate Use — MATRASSES — QUILTS — Cotton COUNTER-PANES, — English and Flanders BED TICKS — RUGS and COVERLIDS of all Kinds, Variety of Bedsteads and ready made Furnitures, fine Flowered Cotton Checks, Morine, Harateen Cheney, and Lin'sey, made up in the neatest Manner — with all Kinds of Bedding for Sea or Land’. Mary Smith was declared bankrupt, Gents Mag., February 1781. A bill dated 8 May 1790 for a quilt costing £1 2s survives amongst bills for Stretton Hall, Staffs. [Conn. Year Bk, 1960, p. 23; Heal; V&A Lib., Box II, 86 KK, envelope 15]

The original entry from Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840 can be found at British History Online.