Smith, John & Co (1775-1808)
Smith, John & Co., 7 Gt Eastcheap, London, wholesale u (1775–1808). Free of the Upholders’ Co. under the terms of the 1750 Upholders’ Act, 4 April 1781 but had been trading at the Eastcheap address since 1775. In 1775–76 described as a cotton merchant. From 1799 the business is listed as Smith, Trower & Co. and in 1808 as Smith, Trower & Slater. Some directories of 1802–04 list merely Smith & Co. John Smith was included in the list of master cabinet makers in Sheraton's Cabinet Dictionary, 1803. [D; GL, Upholders’ Co. records] Possibly John Smith of 13 Lad Lane, 1769–73.