Smith, Charles (1813-21)
Smith, Charles, Liverpool, u (1813–21). At 41 Mount Pleasant in 1813–14 which appears to have been his residence. He also maintained a shop in Paradise St, the number of this being 86 in 1813–14, 87 in 1816, 85 in 1818–19 and 91 in 1821. In December 1818 he advertised that he stocked ‘East India Carpeting’ which was said to be manufactured ‘from a vegetable production of the East Indies, particularly adapted from its cheapness & durability for Stair Cases, Halls, Common Sitting Rooms etc.’ He offered this in a variety of patterns and appears to have derived his stock from Walker & Everard of Wapping who acted as agents for its distribution. He also maintained stocks of cabinet furniture in his ware rooms and In May 1819 offered ‘furniture of Foreign Fancy Wood consisting of Card, Loo, Sofa, Chess, Library & Ladies Work Tables, & Drawing-room Chairs & a great variety of Cabinet work, Bedsteads etc.’ In the upholstery line ‘carpets, Druggets, Patent Floor-cloths, Paper Hangings, Morine Prints, Fringes’ were on offer. His eldest son Charles Ralph Smith, aged 19, died on 3 July 1821. [D; Liverpool Mercury, 4 December 1818, 28 May 1819, 13 July 1821]