Seegers, Frederick (1850)
Seegers, Frederick
Betts Street, London; carver, gilder and looking glass manufacturer and restorer (fl.c.1850)
An oval looking glass auctioned at Christie’s, New York, 21-22 April 1995, lot 365, bore the label of Seegers (illus. Gilbert (1996) p. 419). The label states ‘FREDERICK SE-G-R-. / CARVER, GILDER AND LOOKING-GLASS / Manufacturer / No 1, Betts Street, New Road/ST GEORGES EAST/PICTURES and NEEDLEWORK neatly FRAMED and GLAZED. / N.B. Old Frames regilt, Pictures cleaned, and old Glasses / repolished and silvered’. Gilbert believed that the looking glass was regilt or repaired by Seegers rather than made by him and that the style of the label suggested a Victorian business.
Source: Gilbert, Pictorial Dictionary of Marked London Furniture 1700-1840 (1996).