Sedley, A. (1862-1871)
Sedley, A.
London; furniture maker, upholsterer, chair and couch maker (fl.1862-71)
Maker of a French style cabinet displayed at the London International Exhibition, 1862 (illus. Meyer (2006), p. 137). A. Sedley & Co., of The Burlington Furniture Galleries, 38 Conduit Street, London, also exhibited at the Dublin International Exhibition, 1865; 'patent equilibrium chairs; silver plates,, brass and iron chairs; wood carved ditto'.
Recorded as Angelo Sedley & Co. in the 1871 Post Office Directory at 23 Conduit Street, London as an upholsterer, chair & couch maker.
Source: Meyer, Great Exhibitions. London, New York, Paris, Philadelphia. 1851-1900 (2006).