Rourke (Rourk), James (1763-1809)
Rourke (Rourk), James
Dublin, and Cork, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.1763-1809)
Recorded at the Lower End of Fishamble Lane, 1763-7; Hammond Quay, 1770; Grattan Street, Cork 1787-1809.
Hibernian Chronicle, 4 April 1770: ‘James Rourke, Cabinet-maker having taken one of the houses built by Mess. Higginson and Hinchkliff, next door to Mr. Francis Penrose’s on Hammond's Marsh, where he follows his business in the most extensive manner, and at present has a large and elegant assortment of Cabinet Work. He will let his holdings, at the lower end of Fishambles-lane, and dispose of his interest therein’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 288.