Rosenstreich & Co.; Rosenstreich, N. & G. (1854-1905)
Rosenstreich & Co.; Rosenstreich, N. & G.
154-160 City Road and Peerless Street, Hoxton, London; furniture makers (fl.1854-1905)
The firm was established in 1854.
N. Rosenstreich was a looking glass manufacturer at 154-160 City Road, who advertised for a fitter-up and for a traveller [The Furniture Gazette, 16 May 1877; 5 August 1882].
G. Rosenstreich (of the same address) was one of the cabinet makers who lobbied The City & Guilds London Institute to introduce cabinet making into their education programme [The Furniture Gazette, 13 November 1880].
N. Rosenstreich was listed in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886) as wholesale cabinet makers.
The firm went into bankruptcy in 1902.
Source: Massil, Immigrant Furniture Workers in London 1881-1939 (1997).