Rood, Heal and Co. (1805-1888)
Rood, Heal and Co.; Rood, J. T. & Co.
Soho, London; bedding manufacturers (fl.1805-88)
Ambrose Heal (1779-1837) was born in Milton-on-Stour, Gillingham, Dorset, the younger brother of John Harris Heal senior. He was married in 1805 at St. Anne’s, Soho, to Martha, daughter of William Standerwick of the long-established linen and bedtick manufactory family at Bourton. They had a bed-tick warehouse in London on Cornhill at the sign of the Wheatsheaf and Bird.
By 1805 Ambrose was a partner in Rood, Heal and Co., wholesale feather and bedding manufacturers at 29 Old Compton Street, Soho. From the 1807 will of his father-in-law, it seems that the latter had provided “Messrs. Maggs, Heal & Rood” with a mortgage to operate a Wholesale Bed Tick Warehouse at 11 Great St Helens, which appeared in the Directories from 1808 to 1811.
From 1821 the address of Rood & Heal was given as 24 Old Compton Street, with subsidiary addresses in Maiden Lane, Battle Bridge and John Street, St. Pancras. Heal seems to have been connected in business with Henry Jarvis, bedstead maker of 171 Tottenham Court Road, London [assignment of trust for creditors 6 February 1810]. He retired to Monkton Combe, near Bath c.1830 where he is buried. The inscription on his tomb stone reads “For many years of Compton Street Soho and Kentish Town, London”. He was 58 when he died.
Rood & Co. continued at 28 & 29 Compton Street as bed, mattress & bedding manufacturers and was also listed as cabinet makers in The Furniture Gazette Directory, 1876 & 1877; in 1877 with a factory at 27 York Road, Kings Cross.
In 1888 Rood & Co. held a Warrant of Appointment from the Master of the Horse with authority to use the Royal Arms [The Furniture Gazette, 1 March 1888]
Source: DEFM; Sir Ambrose Heal, The Story of the Four-Poster, and Heal Family Records; Oliver Heal.