Rogers, Philip (1686)
Rogers, Philip
Eyton, Denbighshire, Wales: joiner (fl. 1686)
In the 1680s Rogers made the staircase and panelling at Erddig, near Wrexham, then being built for Joshua Edisbury. The work was slow in completion, and in September 1686 Rogers was obliged to ‘… promise [that the staircase] shall be completed & finished by ye 15th April next ensuing. The hall to be layd (out of hand) with deal, and after that to be layed with oak… ye great parlour to be lay’d with oak’. The staircase and panelling is still in situ (illus. Bebb (2007), fig. 410). In 1685 Rogers contracted ‘to doe all ye Carpenter’s work for two banqueting houses to be erected at Erddigg’.
Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), I, p. 256-7.