Roebuck, W. (1873-1886)
Roebuck, W.
New Inn Yard, Shoreditch, London; cabinet maker (fl.1873-1886)
In 1873 Roebuck was listed at 14 New Inn Yard [The Furniture Gazette Directory, 1873 & 1876]. He advertised ‘Chiffoniers, Polished, Slabbed, with three Plate Glass Doors and Plate Back 4 feet £3 10s; superior inlaid £4 4s. Sideboards equally moderate’, in The Furniture Gazette, 12 April 1873.
There was a dispute in 1879 between Roebuck and the New River Water Company. Roebuck had moved to 5 & 6 New Inn Yard with no. 6 being used for storing furniture stock. The Water Company sent him a bill for both properties, at a figure vastly more than charged to the previous occupant; Mr Roebuck had erected rain water storage tanks which were of concern to the public sanitary authorities [The Furniture Gazette, 27 September 1879].
The outcome of the dispute is not known but Roebuck was still listed at 14 New Inn Yard in 1886 [The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades, 1886].