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Robinson, Joshua (1740-1747)

Robinson, Joshua

Dublin, Ireland; japanner (fl.1740-d.1747)

Recorded at College Green, 1740-7.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal, 11-15 August 1747: ‘To be sold by Auction on Monday the 1st of September next, all the stock in trade and household goods belonging to the late Joshua Robinson, Japanner on College-green viz a great variety of Indian bantam screens, cabinets, cupboards, tea tables tops, several curious chamber chests, Dressing tables, dressing boxes and several other articles in the Japanned way done by the said Robinson, great choice of gilt leather and painted screens, some curious pictures, several collections of choice prints framed, varnished or otherwise, a great quantity of India paper for screens or hanging, a large collection of curious shells, and other curiosities for grottos bought by the said Robinson when last in London, with all his working tools and necessary fittings for the Japanning business.

The household furniture consisting of beds, bedding, window curtains, chairs, tables, house-linen, and all kinds of kitchen furniture, etc. The stock in trade will begin to be sold the 1st September, and continue till all is sold. The household furniture will begin to be sold on the Monday following, at which time the interest of the lease will be sold. All persons of quality and other that sent work to said Robinson, to be mended or other-use, are desired to give in their items to Mr. Benjamin Barton on the Blind-quay, or to Thomas Manning [senior], Cabinet-maker on College-green, any time before the time of sale or they will be sold’.

Faulkner’s Dublin Journal, 29 August 1747: ‘Now selling by Auction on Monday 31st of Aug. inst. the Stock in Trade and Household Furniture belonging to the late Mr Joshua Robinson, Japanner, on the College Green; the Stock consists of great Variety of the right India Bantam Screens, Cabinets, Cubboards, Tea Table tops etc… and several other Articles in the japann’d Way…’

Took as apprentice James Welsh.

Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 295.