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Robinson, John (1768-1791)

Robinson, John

Dublin, Ireland; carver, gilder and looking glass manufacturer (fl.1768-91)

Son of James Robinson, carver and gilder.

Recorded in Kevin Street, 1768; 9 Dame Street, 1774-9; 27 Capel Street, 1780; 34 College Green, 1781-6.

Saunders’s News-Letter, 6 October 1778: ‘Looking Glasses, etc, at prime cost. John Robinson, of Dame-street, No. 9, Carver, Gilder and Looking Glass Seller, begs leave to return his most respectable thanks to the nobility, gentry and public in general, and the particular friends and customers of his late father, James Robinson, of Capel-street, deceased, and to acquaint them that he is now selling his entire stock in trade at prime cost, and confines himself in future to all commands he may be honoured with by the nobility etc.

They may depend he will be always furnished with the newest fashion in ornaments, etc, of London and Paris, and that his chief study shall be to merit their approbation. His stock in trade consists of great variety of glass bordered Palmyra pier glasses, large and small ovals glasses, remarkably elegant in taste, and modern in fashion, with a number of square pier glasses, in rich carved and gilt frames; girandoles with and without glass backs, hall and staircase bells, with best London brass mountings, glass shades, etc. Dressing glasses of various sorts and sizes; great assortment of brass chimney branches, of the newest fashion, double and single spectacles, mounted in silver and steel, with cases to match, with other optic glasses.

He will also dispose of the interest in the lease of the said house, on very advantageous terms to the purchaser, Dublin, 19th October 1778’. The business collapsed soon after, as witnessed by this notice in the Belfast News-Letter, 12-16 August 1791:  ‘Bankrupt John Robinson, of the City of Dublin, Carver and Glass Seller, Dealer and Chapman, to surrender on the 20th and 21st day of September instant, at 12 0'clock noon, on each day, at the Royal Exchange’.

Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), pp. 140 & 294.