Robinson, E. (1890-1903)
Robinson, E.
Address not stated; furniture maker (fl.1890-1903)
In the 1890 Arts and Crafts Exhibition London, Liberty’s exhibited a chair covered in ‘dull red leather’ designed by Leonard Wyburd and executed by E. Robinson (exhibit 333). It is not known whether Robinson worked in the Liberty’s cabinet and furniture workshops or was sub-contracted by the firm to carry out this work.
Possibly the same craftsman, noted as Ernest Robinson, was recorded as the maker, with William Pinches, of an oak lectern, which was exhibited by The Wood Handicrafts Society at the 1903 Arts & Crafts Exhibition, London (exhibit no. 492). The lectern was designed by Charles Spooner and was priced at £12 12s.
Sources: Arts & Crafts Exhibition catalogues, 1890 & 1903; Bennett, Liberty’s Furniture 1875-1915. The Birth of Modern Interior Design (2012).