Robinson, Christopher (1633-1635)
Robinson, Christopher
Halifax, Yorkshire; joiner (fl. 1633-35)
Recorded working at St John’s parish church, Halifax. In 1633 Robinson, together with Leonard Wray, was paid for ‘making the stalles in the said Church uniform’ and the following year they were paid £78 19s 6d for ‘making new stalles’. The stalls or pews are still in the church and resemble those at Bolton Percy, near York, installed in 1631, perhaps by the same men. In 1634 Robinson was paid £5 to make a new pulpit and in 1635 10s was paid ‘for a frame in wood for 10 Comdments’.
Sources: Brears, ‘Leeds and West Yorkshire Carved Oak Furniture of the Seventeenth Century’, Regional Furniture (2019), pp. 1-90.