Ratcliff, W. W. & F. J. (1886)
Ratcliff, W. W. & F. J.
209 Old Street, London; wholesale cabinet makers, art furniture manufacturers & merchants, fancy cabinet manufacturers & warehousemen (fl.1876-86)
The firm of W. W. & F. J. Ratcliff was listed in The Furniture Gazette Directory, 1876 & 1877 and advertised in The Furniture Gazette, 20 January 1877.
The Furniture Gazette, 13 January 1877, announced that no change had been made in their partnership and that they had no connection with any other firm in the trade (presumably in order to stress that they were not related to W. Ratcliff of Tabernacle Walk & Leonard Street; any family relationship between the partners of these 2 firms is not known).
In 1877 they advertised various staff vacancies in The Furniture Gazette: a few good cabinet makers;a cabinet or chair carver; and a cabinet fitter-up for the Art Cabinet Works [2 June; 11 August; 1 December 1877].
The firm as exhibiting sideboards, cabinets, bedroom furniture & overmantels (all in the ‘prevailing modern taste’) at The Furniture Exhibition, Islington, 1883. An advertisement in The Furniture Gazette, 2 August 1884, described the firm’s specialities as domestic furniture and wood chimney pieces The Furniture Gazette, 12 May 1883; 2 August 1884].
W. W. & F. J. Ratcliff were listed in The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886).