Philcox, George (1770-1805)
Philcox, George, the Cliffe, Lewes, Sussex, cm and u (1770–1805). Claimed to be from London and was established in Lewes by December 1770 when he advertised that he had in stock ‘all sorts of Cabinet Furniture; also Looking Glasses, and Venetian Shades &c. &c.’ He appears to have been a person of some enterprise, and realising the growing prosperity of the rising sea-bathing resort of Brighton, he advertised in May 1773 that he had established a warehouse there stocked with his furniture and under the care of Thomas Philcox. He advertised also for an app. and a journeyman cm. In 1777 he took out insurance cover for £700, but of this only £240 was in respect of utensils and stock suggesting that the business was still of modest size. His trade card [Heal Coll., BM] dates from soon after the establishment of his business but still features furniture in the Chippendale style. [D; Sussex Weekly Advertiser, 24 December 1770, 10 May 1773, 26 December 1774; GL, Sun MS vol. 260, p. 617]