Nicholson, Alexander (1756-1787)
Nicholson, Alexander
Dublin and Belfast, Ireland; cabinet maker (fl.1756-87)
Recorded on New Quay, Dublin, 1756-67?; Hanover Quay, Belfast, 1770-87.
Belfast News-Letter, 14 July 1767: ‘Just arrived from Dublin and to be sold by the maker, at Alexander Nicholson, Cabinet-maker, on the New-quay, Belfast, a curious collection of looking glasses in carved and gilded gold frames with sconces, etc, which will be sold at Dublin prices and as the propitiator hath but a few days to stay in town, gentlemen, ladies, and others, who want the like, would be well to apply in time Dated July 13th 1767’.
Source: Glin & Peill, Irish Furniture (2007), p. 287.