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Morley, David jnr (1837)

Morley, David jnr

Carmarthen, Wales; cabinet maker (d.1837)

Succeeded to his father’s business in 1831. In 1833 Morley and a fellow cabinet maker Henry Ayres were among the signatories of a petition for political reform. He died in 1837. His brother-in-law continued the firm but he went bankrupt the later the same year. The stock in trade was described as ‘Manufactured by the late David Morely and his successors, so justly celebrated for the beauty and durability of household furniture… being manufactured of Rose, Maple, Satin, Cherry Tree, Zebra, Coromandel, Mahogany, and other beautiful woods – in the Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, French, English and Welsh Styles’. The premises were occupied in 1838 by Thomas Jones whose firm advertised that ‘having been for many years in the employ of the late Mr Morley, they offer a guarantee that the furniture made by them will be fully equal to those which secured Mr Morley the patronage and support of the public for nearly 50 years’.

Source: Bebb, Welsh Furniture (2007), II, pp. 185, 229.