Minter, G. (1830-1860)
Minter, G.
33 Gerrard Street, Soho, London; upholsterer, cabinet maker, invalid and reclining chair maker (fl.c.1830-60)

Minter was known as a patentee and maker of a range of reclining chairs made between 1830-60.
A receipted bill dated 1833 (above) for G. Minter, upholsterer, cabinet and chair maker, for a large mahogany chair with elbows and stuffed seat covered with haircloth, price £4 4s, is included in the Graham Gadd Archive (NMS). This document states that Minter was the recipient of a 'Kings Royal Letter Patent' for a 'self acting easy reclining chair'.
An 1845 advertisement for the Archimedean Screw Invalid chair is illus. Edwards (1993), p. 155.
Sources: Edwards, Victorian Furniture. Technology & Design (1993); Graham Gadd Archive (NMS)