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McIntosh, A. H. (1876-1889)

McIntosh, A. H.; & Co.

23 Rose Street, Kirkcaldy, Scotland; furniture makers, billiard table & bagatelle board makers (fl.1876-89)

McIntosh was listed in The Furniture Gazette Directory (1876 & 1877) and The Furniture Gazette: Classified List of the Furniture, Upholstery, and Allied Trades (1886) as a maker of billiard tables and bagatelle boards at Kirkcaldy. 

The firm’s workforce received notification of a new proposed system of working in September 1886. They objected due to a perceived reduction in wages but after further discussions with the employers they accepted it on the basis of a trial [The Furniture Gazette, 1 September 1886].

McIntosh displayed carved oak sideboards, one in the 17th century style, at the 1878 Paris Exhibition [The Furniture Gazette, 5 January, 30 March & 20 April 1878]. He also participated in and was awarded a prize at the Sydney Exhibition, 1879 [The Furniture Gazette, 19 June 1880]. 

McIntosh supplied furniture for the Corporation Buildings, Dumferline, and to furnish a new hotel at Strathpeffer [The Furniture Gazette, 17 May 1879]. In early 1889 about fifty workers went on strike; they were all employed on piecework and wished for an increase in wages [The Furniture Gazette, 1 March 1889].